Friday, 27 September 2019

Poker Strategy - The Perils of Over Playing

Poker Strategy - The Perils of Over Playing
This is so unbelievably simple, but it works for me every time I hit a losing streak at the tables.
I just stop playing poker for a few days. It can take some self-discipline - online poker can be very addictive and is easily accessible - but if you can take some time off from poker, your game will improve when you return.
I seem to be going along nicely, consistently cashing in STTs and making a firm profit. Then bam! Loss after loss after loss. Particularly hard to take is being knocked out on the bubble, therefore just missing out on the cash. The natural reaction to this is to jump straight back in and go to the next poker game immediately. This is fine most times as it helps you just forget about the last game. But if you get dumped out again before the prizes - especially if it's due to a bad beat or on the bubble again - then it can start to affect you mentally.
Time to take a short break from poker and mentally recharge. This has many benefits, mainly that you will get over any bad feelings about that bad beat you took from the fish at the table. Also, it just means that when you do return next time to the tables, you will feel refreshed and ready psychologically to get in amongst it again. You know what? You'll probably win your first game back after a short break.
Another big benefit of a poker free period, is that it gives you time to think about your game strategy, maybe reflecting on where your weaknesses were in the last few games you played, and how you can improve on that when you return to the big bad poker world. Having a break means you can think about these things calmly and with a clear head, rather than when you're Mr Angry after you've just been dumped out on your backside by some idiot with 3-7 off suit!
For me, I find that a few days off from poker does the trick, maybe a week maximum. Oh, and perhaps shouting at my wife and kids makes me feel better too! A�Then my mind is back together again and ready to play poker again.
Hope this helps, and good luck at the poker tables!


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